My Daily Skincare Regime.

Hello everyone! Hope everything's fine and good. Its been such a good week for me as I have been busy preparing for my next post for the Blog. Books and pens, makes me so happy. A new post on my makeup essentials, coming up soon on the Blog. Lately, I have been searching for a nice eye cream that solves most of the eye area problems, that I think, many people go through in their mid 20s. I have been noticing a lot of eye puffiness, dark circles and fine lines around the eye area. But, I couldn't find myself a solution for 3 long months. And then, while browsing through the e-catalogue of Oriflame for the April month, I came across Optimals Seeing is Believing Multi Benefits Eye Cream from Oriflame Cosmetics. Eye cream was a necessity for me as I have been sleep deprived, most of the time recently. This often results in eye puffiness, dark circles, fine lines and innumerable consequences. The area around the eyes is very much sensitive and hence, requires special care. I opte...